Attorney, Niekamp & Associates
Tom Niekamp

Tom Niekamp is an attorney with Niekamp Law LLC, and has been working in private practice to assist alcohol industry members since 2014. Before that, for over 25 years, Mr. Niekamp worked in Cincinnati in the Assistant Chief Counsel's office for the Alcohol & Tobacco Tax & Trade Bureau, (TTB), and its predecessor agency, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). With TTB, Mr. Niekamp served as Senior Counsel, handling a wide variety of complex legal matters, including litigation matters involving alcohol and tobacco. Mr. Niekamp has made numerous legal presentations relating to the Federal Alcohol Administration Act and the Internal Revenue Code to industry members including contributions to the National Business Institute, Moonshine University, CLE International, and the TTB EXPO in 2008 & 2009.