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Distiller's Sensory Kit


This group of uncommon aromas represent various alcohols and compounds created during the fermentation process and concentrated during the distillation process.

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Sensory Evaluation

Distiller's Sensory Kit

Aromas Included

Thirteen custom-created aromas to aid in training your nose to detect alcohols and compounds. Training to pick out these aromas in a finished product is an advanced skill; they are not aromas that regularly occur outside of distilling, especially in isolation.

  1. ACETALDEHYDE - Green Apple, Green, Grass.
  2. ACETONE - Nail Polish Remover.
  3. METHANOL - Absolutely clean, no aroma.
  4. ETHYL ACETATE - Solvent.
  5. ETHYL ALCOHOL (100%) - Vodka.
  6. PROPYL ALCOHOL - Rubbing Alcohol, Isopropyl Alcohol, sharper than Ethyl Alcohol.
  7. BUTYL ALCOHOL - Butane, Lighter Fluid.
  8. ACETIC ACID - Vinegar.
  9. AMYL ALCOHOL - Fruity, Banana, Pear, Band-Aid, Medicinal.
  10. FURFURAL - Brown, Caramel, Chocolate, Vanilla, Toast, Almond.
  11. HEADS - The first cuts off the distillate. They're high in Acetaldehyde, Acetone, Methanol, and Ethyl Acetate.
  12. HEARTS - Consists of primarily Ethanol with a combination of both Heads and Tails, and makes up all the distillate you keep and sometimes age before bottling.
  13. TAILS - The last cuts off the distillate. They're low in Ethanol and high in Congeners, and although they're not harmful, they don't taste like anything you'd want to drink.

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